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About Our Site


GingerScraps takes great pride in having excellent quality products!
All papers are 12 by 12 and 300 dpi. Embellishments are always 300 dpi.
You can use these products for strictly digital scrapbooking or you can print them out for more traditional scrapbooking. You can also choose to do a fun mix of digital and traditional scrapbooking otherwise know as hybrid scrapbooking.

GingerScraps- The Friendliest Place in DigiScrap Land! Sit back, relax, chat about life, or challenge yourself with one of our many monthly challenges! Join us for weekly chats in our chat room. We host the Official Scrapping Survivor, come play along and see if you are the Ultimate Scrapping Survivor!! Ignite your creativity!!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to get all your digital pictures onto a scrapbook page? Do you love the idea of having the power to make all your creative dreams come true right on your computer!?

With digital scrapbooking you can let your creativity run wild while preserving and showcasing your memories.
I started scrapping in 1996, when I was pregnant with my daughter. Of course it was traditional paper scrapping, I was hooked immediately!! I loved everything about scrapping. I took the leap into digital scrapbooking in 2005. At first I was sure I would still paper scrap as well, but as I have gotten more and more into digital, I'm absolutely in love with it!! It is so exciting to challenge myself and learn new techniques. What I love the most is that digital scrapbooking has no limits- I feel like anything I dream up I can put into a scrap page.

I decided to open GingerScraps- an online digital scrapbooking community, to share my love of this wonderful craft. We have now grown into a full service scrapbooking site! A few of the features at GingerScraps are-

  • A very active blog, new posts daily! You will find wonderful scrapbook pages to inspire you, craft projects, recipes, contests.... and much more.
  • Forum for asking questions and reading tutorials as well as developing friendships!
  • Shop- where you can purchase "Fresh Baked" (our cute term for new products) scrapbooking goodies year around.
  • Gallery- where you can post and share layouts with the community.
  • Printing Service- upload any projects you make and have them printed and shipped right to your door.

Come on over and make yourself at home! Ginger

Answers to commen questions about our site.


When was your store established?

How has your store evolved over the years?
Deciding to open a store was a slow process, I first started out as a freebie hunter. I had a little blog where I would search out my and post the best freebies I could find. It was so fun, a great way to find designers and share my finds with fellow scrappers. After a while I started to make little goodies to give away on my blog as well. I got a lot of positive feedback, and made a group, for scrappers, at an online community for Moms. With the encouragement of my digi-friends, I opened up a site. I just intended it to be a gallery so we could share LO's with each other, and a forum for chatting. I added my little items to the shop, all of them were free at first. As time passed, and the interest grew, I started to sell my designs, and then offer design spots to some of my friends. The business grew and grew! I still consider the GS community my favorite part of the site, an environment where scrappers can share, grow, learn, and most of all- inspirer one another.

If you could use just 5 words to describe your store and community what would they be?
I think our slogan says it all "Recipe for Scrapbooking Bliss", I realize that is only 4 words… but it says it all! We have beautiful products, the best community, and a wonderful gallery to all share and inspire each other.

What sets your store apart?
Our community! It is a privilege to get to know all these amazing people, that I would never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. I truly consider the designers, and team members, as well as our community members, my friends. If you are brand new to digi scrap, or if you're an expert digi scrapper, there is a spot for you to fit in at GS. We work hard to make sure everyone feels "at home". The community is eager to help one another, and inspire one another.  I also have to give big props to our Teams- (Praise Team- know as The Sugar Cookies, and Creative Team- know as The GingerBread Girls) they work hard to ensure that each and every layout posted in the gallery is acknowledged.
Our Designers- We have AMAZING designers! They blow me away with all the products they create! Beautiful and 100% quality products, you will not find anything in the GS shop that is laking in quality.

Anything else you would like to share?
I think a great place to start is to sign up for the newsletter-
We have a weekly new products newsletter, and we have a monthly newsletter with the news for the start of each month.
We have a few ways for customers to get to know our designers-

    •BUFFET: Shop in The Buffet!!  "The GingerScraps Buffet is an All You Can Eat .... or rather Scrap, lol, Buffet. Each month the amazing GingerBread Ladies will be given a color palette, and they will create delicious goodies for you.  Then you can mix and match, 'till your hearts content! Think of it like a way to totally customize a Mega Collab, "eat" as little or as much as you would like, after all..... you can indulge all day long and it never counts towards your calories for the day. Every piece in the Buffet is from $1.00- $4.00 each and Buffet Bundles for a great value too!!
    •WELCOME WAGON: Once you register in the forum your will have access to the Welcome Wagon (I will attach an ad for the Welcome Wagon if your interested in using it) The Welcome Wagon is a spot where designer post free goodies for the forum members.
    •CHALLENGES: The monthly Challenges Each month our designer host a variety of scrapbooking challenges, They are a great way to get to know the designers, community, and inspire your creativity! If you complete enough challenges for the month you will earn free goodies!

For more specific questions about policys please read the FAQ, if you have a questiosn that is not answered, you are welcome to send a Support Ticket.

Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: About Us
Date added: 2016-03-17 16:46:12
Views: 6276

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